
Showing posts from April, 2024

added a music F.A.Q

added some music Q&A stuff as a page (in the drop down left sidebar menu), the editing is a bit rough, but it's somewhat readable (maybe😯)

YouTube Playlists

We really like the feature on YouTube, which gives us the ability to spotlight other people's songs and music that we like (not that any of them really need it). Showing some of our tastes in music (or lack thereof). With so many versions of some songs, we often wait to find one we really like (or like the best) before adding any. But we do occasionally swap some, or add more than one version. We prefer to list the official versions on the official channels, but sometimes that is more difficult than practical (at least for us). We do have a few self-imposed rules that we usually apply for thing we add to the lists. Which some would admittedly (and perhaps rightly) call stupid. Not that it effects what we like, watch or listen to ourselves. However, the rules can (and does) at times go out the window (being completely ignored) if we find something we really like, regardless of the content. 1 strong language (or at least excessive) --- we get it, sometimes it adds the extra kick in

Giving Credit, Where Credit Is Due

In the past, on my various web sites, I have neglected to give the proper credit to God. I believe that all my creative ability, be it music, writing, creating web related stuff (as basic as it may be), or anything else, comes from God. Admittedly,  I know that not everyone feels the same about their own abilities, talents and achievements (that is okay). I am aware that others have their own ideas about religion and deities. --- This just happens to be my opinion.

Writing Fiction

Although we don't consider ourselves to be anything more than novice storytellers and have written a bit here and there over the years, mostly stuff we would never publish due to the graphic content, but it was not until just the last several years that we discovered how much we actually enjoyed doing it.  By chance we dug out a horror story, which we considered to have been mostly finished, to do some final editing. Then decided there could be a bit more to the story, mainly in the form of a previously planned sequel. --- Well, considering how I was no longer on the Internet, I had plenty of time to work on a sequel as well as expand the original story (both expanding into novellas), start a spin-off and another spin-off of that. Then another idea emerged, and then some ideas for some short fan fiction came to mind. Which resulted in several stories based on the Pokémon animated television series (we are old enough to still want to call them cartoons). And although they should pr

'James Gets Lucky?'

(Pokémon fan fiction influenced by and based on characters from the animated television series, 'Pokémon' which is copyright by The Pokémon Company International.) (unless you are familiar with the series, you may not get it 😉) --- As Jessie and James sat spying on our threesome. Jessie grumbled, in her usually vivacious tone, "I'm Bored!" James glanced at her, knowing there was nothing safe to say, but then quipped, "We could have something to eat." Jessie glared at him, then responded, "Okay." Digging though their pack, retrieving this and that and something else. Jessie again glaring, "Is that all we have? Why don't you ever bring anything good?!" James smugly shrugged his shoulders. Jessie growled at him, "Is that all you have to say?!" Digging farther in the pack she found a banana. Gleefully, she peeled the long cool fruit and hungrily began to devour it. A content James smiled at the seemingly pacified Jessie. On

'Island of the Living Dead'

(Gilligan's Island fan fiction influenced by and based on characters from the television series, 'Gilligan's Island' which is copyright by United Artists Television.) --- Early one morning while Thurston was walking along the beach he noticed a 55-gallon drum that had washed ashore. Examining the dark green container, rolling it over to read the stenciled lettering on its side, he felt a sticky, viscous liquid on his hand. Looking at the green goop that was leaking from the canister, now dripping from his hand, in disgust he wiped the thick slime onto the sand and nearby bushes. Reading the lettering, indicating only that it was the property of the U.S. Army, with a serial number. Grumbling to himself, as he rinsed the goo from his hand in the warm ocean water, he murmured, "Tax dollars at work; indeed." Knowing none of the other castaways would be awake yet, seeing it as no urgency to inform them of the discovery, he continued his morning stroll. Walking on,

'Buffy vs. Leprechaun'

(Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan fiction influenced by and based on characters from the television series, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' which is copyright by Twentieth Century Fox Films Corp.; and the 'Leprechaun' films which are copyright by Trimark Pictures Inc..) [this occurs after the episode where Giles suggested that leprechauns do not exit] --- As Buffy strolled through the cemetery on her routine patrol, she spotted something shiny in the grass ahead of her. Reaching its location, she bent down and picked it up. Glancing at what was obviously a very old coin, she scanned the surroundings. Seeing no one, she shrugged and placed the coin in her pocket and continued her nightly duty. The next day, she showed Giles her discovery. Looking at it he replied, "Well, it's obviously quite old." Buffy rolling her eyes, remarked, "I figured that out. So, what is it?" Hesitating he started to reply, that it was a coin, then stopped mid sentence and admitte

Plans to migrate some stuff from website to blog.

Decided that our website is a waste of time, considering all the other available platforms, like Blogger. We are going to start posting our previous original fictional stories and any new ones here. And doing a bit of needed updating on this blog.