'Island of the Living Dead'

(Gilligan's Island fan fiction influenced by and based on characters from the television series, 'Gilligan's Island' which is copyright by United Artists Television.)

Early one morning while Thurston was walking along the beach he noticed a 55-gallon drum that had washed ashore. Examining the dark green container, rolling it over to read the stenciled lettering on its side, he felt a sticky, viscous liquid on his hand.

Looking at the green goop that was leaking from the canister, now dripping from his hand, in disgust he wiped the thick slime onto the sand and nearby bushes. Reading the lettering, indicating only that it was the property of the U.S. Army, with a serial number. Grumbling to himself, as he rinsed the goo from his hand in the warm ocean water, he murmured, "Tax dollars at work; indeed."

Knowing none of the other castaways would be awake yet, seeing it as no urgency to inform them of the discovery, he continued his morning stroll.

Walking on, he felt an uneasy sense of discomfort accompanied by a slight, but increasing nauseous dizziness.

Later, back at the village, the other islanders were beginning to stir.

Setting down to breakfast Mrs. Howell, glancing around, inquired as to the whereabouts of Thurston. The others shrugged.

That afternoon Mary Ann was strolling through the jungle near the village, gathering berries.

Later that evening, as Gilligan and the Skipper was walking through a dense section of jungle, trying to find the missing Mary Ann, suddenly out of nowhere a wild-eyed, slobbering Mary Ann, sprang from the underbrush and ferociously bit the Skipper on the arm.

Gilligan shouted, "Look out Skipper!"

The Skipper, struggling with a rabid Mary Ann barked in disgust, "Oh shut up Gilligan!"

The Skipper shoved Mary Ann to the ground, who quickly sprang to her feet and charged Gilligan.

Gilligan turned to run, but his feet became entangled in some low vines, and as Mary Ann dove for the clumsy first mate, he fell awkwardly to the ground. Mary Ann sailed over his position, across a low clump of brambles, over a gradual embankment and tumbled into the dense jungle, out of sight.

The Skipper rushed to the edge of the embankment, to determine if Mary Ann had been injured, but she was nowhere to be seen. Ignoring the risk of being bitten again, he searched farther, but found nothing.

Gilligan, whom now had freed his feet from the entangled snare was raising from the ground and inquired, "Was that Mary Ann?"

The Skipper looking in discomfort at the bloody wound on his arm, replied that he thought it was.

Back at the village while the Professor examined the wound. Gilligan commented, "Gee Skipper you don't look so good."

This was true, the strong Skipper's normally healthy skin tone had degenerated to a sickly pallor.

The Professor looked concerned, stating that it was possibly contagious.

Mrs. Howell quickly stepped back, commenting how she certainly had no desire of catching any common jungle disease.

The Professor stated matter-of-factly that it wasn't anything common to their small island.

Considering how Mary Ann had attacked the Skipper and attempted to do the same with Gilligan, the professor suggested it be in everyone's best interest if the Skipper were quarantined, within the bamboo cage. The Skipper readily agreed.

The next morning the islanders were awoken by the sound of the Skipper violently shaking the bars of his makeshift cell.

The Professor concocted a potion with which, dipping a dart into, and using a blowgun, he sedated the Skipper.

In an attempt to check the Skipper's vital signs, the Professor found none, pronouncing him dead. He was then quickly buried.

Walking along the beach, searching for any signs of Mary Ann, Gilligan discovered the leaking drum. Approaching, then stopping short, he quickly returned to the village to notify the Professor of his discovery.

Stepping only close enough to read the stenciled lettering on the drum shell, the Professor looking concerned, commented how this could be much more serious than previously expected.

Not wishing to transport any of the substance into the village. The Professor and Gillian brought some of his equipment to near the location of the drum.

Retrieving a handkerchief from his pocket, placing the cloth over his mouth and nose, the Professor carefully collected a small sample of the oozing liquid with a stick, dripping it onto a glass slide. Examining it under the microscope bolstered his worst fear. Which he then shared with Gilligan. Unable to determine exactly what the chemical was, he suspected it was some type of weapon. Gilligan then inquired if there was any way of making a cure.

The distraught Professor took a deep breath, pondered briefly, then answered that it was possible, but very unlikely. Continuing to explain that any chemical weapon, especially in such a concentrated form, would most likely be fatally toxic to anyone who came in contact with it. As was probably the case of the Skipper.

Gilligan pondered at length, then commented, "Wait a minute. Does that mean what I think? Mary Ann is dead?"

The Professor hesitated, then replied with a sigh, "I'm afraid so." Continuing how that since Mr. Howell had been missing for several days, that he most likely would also be. Pointing to the nearby bushes smeared with the sticky substance, he stated how it looked as if someone had wiped some, possibly from their hands, there.

Meanwhile, back at the village. An undead, no longer sedated, Skipper had dug himself out of his shallow grave and attacked Ginger and Mrs. Howell.

Gilligan and the Professor returned to find the village quiet and empty.

As the Professor scanned the surroundings, Gilligan inquired as to where Ginger and Mrs. Howell was.

Suddenly, Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Ginger, Mary Ann and the Skipper charged their location.

(original story Copyright © 2022 Theron Jackson)

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. The characters and incidents portrayed and names used herein are fictitious and any similarity to the name, character or history of any person, location, building, event or product is entirely coincidental and unintentional.


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