
We have a very bad habit of posting to our blogs and then editing and reediting (ad infinitum). We suppose it would be better to create and edit a draft copy, then eventually publish the final version.

However, if we were to do that there would probably never be anything posted (we are closet perfectionists, and we never get anything exactly right). And even then we would probably still go back and make changes, updates and corrections.

Of course, it is a given, but not all of the information in any of our posts are always accurate or timely. (and our grammar is usually quite bad)

We post our opinions about whatever we like, and sometimes even our opinions can change.

Since we have abandoned our website, allowing our domain to expire. We are planning to focus more on this blog (and hopefully our YouTube channel). Lately we have been taking a break from making music and have been spending much of our free time watching other people’s music videos on YouTube (recently discovering K-pop 😯).

YouTube channel: YouTube.com/@imcc2010

email: imcc2010music <at> gmail.com


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