Dreamcatcher - our opinion

Our opinion and basic descriptions of some of Dreamcatcher's videos. For those not familiar with their music.

We are not experts on the group (or any other music), and have not watched or listened to everything this group has done. In fact, only discovering their music a few days ago. (and K-pop only a few weeks ago — yes, we basically live in a cave πŸ˜‰)


Well ….
Regardless of which video you watch first, your initial impression will probably be wrong.
(if you do not like the first song, try another --- seriously, this group does many different things)

Rather than make you scroll down though our lame attempt to write reviews of the group and various music videos, we decided to put the link to the YouTube playlist here, which may give some idea of the groups talent and versatility. (you are welcome to read the rest of this post, but the videos speak for themselves)

Listening to their songs, many people may not expect the lyrics to be dark. Some people would expect scary songs to be sang in a scary way (think Black Metal or Death Metal). Not with pleasantly pretty voices, from equally pretty singers smiling with a wink while they sing about invading your dreams and giving you nightmares 😳. —— Well, that is basically what you get with this group. 😁
( --- at least with some of the spookier songs)

For those of you who may not know. Dreamcatcher is a seven member Korean (K-pop\K-rock) group, consisting of seven women, six Korean (Ji U, Su A, Siyeon, Yoohyeon, Dami, Gahyun) and one Chinese (Handong). Five of which previously made up the K-pop group called Minx (Ji U, Su A, Siyeon, Yoohyeon and Dami).

The group has been around for a while (over seven years), and we are sure there have been numerous other article written (many far better than this), but we decided to write one anyway.

To start, we will say, do not listen to the bs about this group. They are talented, and have excellent musicians backing them. We would guess that there is at least one brilliant mastermind (or evil genius) somewhere within the mix.

We will not say the videos are not spooky, because some of them are, but we tend to like that. (some others are amusing, and some perhaps a little bizarre)

There are some darker elements in some of their videos, so if you do not like that, you probably will not like some of the videos (especially ‘Scream’ and ‘Good Night’).

Just to point out, we grew up listening to Heavy Metal, and there are other K-pop groups with similarly dark elements (some even moreso, albeit perhaps more subtle).

[It is K-pop, so one must remember that most of the elements are often controlled by the companies, not nessarilly the singers.]

We never thought rapping would seriously work in rock songs, but this group proves us wrong.

And yes, most of the lyrics are in Korean, but that really does not seem to matter, — and you can read the captions (although depending on where you read them, they may not be entirely accurate).

[Warning. If you like this group, you may find yourself liking them more each time you listen to their songs. Eventually realizing that the bar on your standards for music has risen much higher than you ever expected, —— especially after watching a few of their live performances. πŸ™‚]
- There is a link to a YouTube playlist with all of these videos, towards the bottom of this post. -

We found it listed as one of the spookiest K-pop videos. Maybe? We do like the song and video (and is the first one we watched). A deranged love song, with a mix of pizzicato strings, orchestration, electric guitar and heavy rock beat. So, we will delve a bit into it now.

The video is obviously intended to unnerve the viewer, using a myriad of clever tricks and techniques, combined with the obsessive love theme of the lyrics. Dare we say, bordering on schizophrenic (and vaguely homicidal). Using the various singers abilities to increase the intensity, then dropping it back to a soft lullaby (common in many of their songs). Some might compare it to a softer variation of Black Sabbath's ‘NIB’, but we really would not, — but it is possible. ???

The video is fun to watch, — if you can overlook a few rather creepy smiles. 😳

‘Odd Eye'
Is apparently about a futile search for a seemingly non-existent Utopia.

The song is more heavily rock than ‘BEcause’, but the singers again deliver fantastically. Trading off as the music increases to an intense, driving climax. (we had never heard vocal fry used quite like it is here, — very cool πŸ‘)

Visually it is quite enjoyable, with the melting, swirling, flashing, flaming colored computer generated effects — and dancing, of course.

Has a post-apocalyptic theme, with the members dressed throughout most of the video in differing red or black military uniforms. With crumbling buildings and lightning bolts, some being used to strike down warrior opponents amongst the rubble and in circular arenas (again relying heavily on CGI). As they ramp up the intensity of their vocals matching the driving rock rhythm (bordering on Heavy Metal). (there are some very good live performances of this song --- and of course some other songs as well)

‘Chase Me'
What can we say, we like it! This is a fairly standard rock song and the groups first video (as Dreamcatcher).

Everything is obviously intended to maximize the spooky factor. It is set in a hotel with some interesting residents (the group). Who seem to be mischievous ghosts. Who play tricks on a paranormal investigator (Jo Dong Hyuk) visiting the hotel. However, there is a sinister twist to the plot. Which we will not spoil, but should be easily realized.

‘Good Night'
Is the continuation of ‘Chase Me’, picking up where it left off, again featuring the paranormal investigator (Jo Dong Hyuk), with a similar but faster rock song, and some darker elements.

Those two videos are like a mini horror movie crammed into two music videos. The thematic elements of which is obviously how the group got its reputation. 😁

(Did not watch the entire video, therefore we can not accurately review it.)

… more, in no particular order:
(mostly as we randomly watch them)
Is a horror themed video, somewhat nightmarish, which some may call spooky. The song heavily features a flute like instrument (apparently a piri) with fairly standard driving power rock music.

The video features the group dancing, interspersed with individual members in their own nightmares; with rooms of wall clocks, telephones, dolls, double images, ….

‘Red Sun’
[special clip]
Looks a little spooky with the group dressed in black, obviously intended to look witchy, but is a good albeit slower song. Which the music relies heavily on glockenspiel/bells with a slow beat. This one features only six of the group (Handong is missing).

‘You and I'
Is a bit heavier rock tune, with more cool lead guitar riffs and tribal toms. Not overly spooky, if you ignore the spider webs, giant spider shadow, ... (and the lyrics).

Is an odd, post-apocalyptic (\Olympian ?) themed rock video. Heavily using CGI (and a small bit of wirework). According to some it is in reference to climate change issues (?). — We like the song, but admit, we have no clue. πŸ€”

'The curse of the Spider'
[2024 concert version]
Is a fairly fast rock song (approaching Heavy Metal), with a live concert video.
Okay, we suppose this is another scary one (?). The way we understand it, is that there is some backstory to the whole Nightmare thing (something about the spider in the jar in ‘Fly High’ — and perhaps ‘You and I’ -?-).

Here is one hypothesis as to how the earliest videos may all tie together in the Nightmare series: 
Nightmare Series | Dreamcatcher Wiki | Fandom

Anyway, — we like the song. The video is cool. — but somehow we missed the scary — ??
(we have watched horror movies since we were kids, so we may be somewhat desensitized πŸ˜‰ — or just too dumb to understand the meaning 😁 — are some people actually afraid of this group? πŸ™€ — but then there are people who are afraid of Morticia Addams; — Oh! Were we supposed to be? πŸ€¨πŸ˜‚πŸ™‚ — We were never one of those guys that are afraid of brunettes, --------- but we obviously digress. 😁)

The group does have some less spooky videos as well:

‘Full Moon'
Another fairly standard, slightly power ballad rock tune, similar to ‘Chase Me', but is a black and white dance video. We like it and if you are liking the group by now, it is worth watching. (as are their other dance videos — we especially like the spins — you may have noticed those? πŸ˜‰)

‘Fly High'
Has a few odd scenes, but with a much brighter feel, due to the anime theme-like rock music. Much of the video is in daylight, in and around what appears to be a large manor house (the group is wearing matching uniforms, so it could be a boarding school -?-), with long hallways and outdoor dreamlike scenes with fog and heavily wooded pathways. (and, of course, dancing)

‘Deja Vu'
Is an orchestrated power rock ballad, with a somewhat odd, colorful video (a thrones and swords sort of thing). — if you were thinking that some of the member's could not sing like this, you were wrong πŸ™‚

Is another anime style rock tune, featuring clips from ‘King's Raid : Successors of the will’, with only a few inserts of the group posing and recording in the studio. We think this song is another that really highlights the groups extraordinary ability to dramatize their vocals. (if not watching any other, we seriously recommend you at least listen to this song)

‘No More’
For the people like us who miss the good rock guitar solos. The music reminds us of one of the Batman songs by Smashing Pumpkins. Basically a visualizer video with anime imagery, unfortunately video of the group (and Handong) is missing on this one.

‘Endless Night'
(another video without Handong)
Using Heavy Metal music. Surprisingly nothing spooky (except maybe the group — nah, just kidding πŸ˜‰). The video features a lot of dancing, with the group dressed in red uniforms or black fringed outfits; interspersed with glamour shots, many amongst billowing clouds of colored smoke.
( — would love to hear them do some haunting Symphonic Metal – but, we would like to hear any of our favorites doing that)

[special clip]
(another video without Handong)
A rock tune featuring several acoustic guitar sections. --- If you have been liking the previous listed videos, we have to warn you; this one is not spooky at all 😯. It is apparently a self-made video, and is actually amusing πŸ‘. Do not miss the behind the scenes footage after the video. πŸ˜„

‘Break The Wall’
[special clip]
(another video without Handong)
Okay, this is, uhh — interesting? πŸ˜„
A slow, power rock tune, with several heavily distorted verses. --- We will not try to describe the video, other than it appears to be another self-made one. πŸ˜‰
(perhaps Handong should not leave the rest of the group unsupervised for too long ??? πŸ€”πŸ˜πŸ˜‰)

Another power rock song about dreams.
The video features the group dancing on a cloud-like floor with similar background, in front of a motel-like building, and individually in various rooms and hallways.

( — what is with the hallways? πŸ€”πŸ™‚)

— and the more different stuff we watch, the more we like this group …

‘Lucky Strike’
[special clip]
Hey, hey, (Oh yeah!) this is straight up rock, — and this one is in English. The entire video features the group, dressed in black, dancing in an indoor basketball court.

'And There Was No One Left'
[special clip]
Okay, now we watch in amusement as the group simply sets on a couch and chair during the song (where is the d*** dancing !!!!! πŸ˜‰). A slower <?genre?> tune.
Is sort of cool getting a better look at each member, without them jumping around all though the song (but we like that too πŸ™‚).

An Arabic scaled (?), Latin (?), power guitar rock tune (with tribal toms).
The video shifts between gritty interiors of buildings to a visually stunning Acropolitan set with water, flowering plants and trees, to what we are guessing is a microversion of hell (?). This currently seems to be the groups most viewed music video. (again missing Handong)

'Breaking Out'
Another song about dreams, featuring marimba with a Latin-like groove, and a power guitar rock chorus.
The video is shot mostly in a white set with white freestanding beams, arches, and long red cords.

'Silent Night'
[audio only]
No, it is not a cover of the Christmas classic.
It is a slow rock tune with haunting vocals, a heavy kick beat that might rattle your windows, and a distorted somewhat bizarre sounding final thirty seconds of instrumental music. Unfortunately, the official YouTube video is audio only, but d***, we really like this song, so we mentioned it here.
(there are several cool live concert videos)

[How many other songs do you notice with “silent night” in the lyrics?]  

A mostly slow rock tune with a stronger power rock chorus. A very bright, colorful video, with a tiny bit of wirework.

‘R.o.S.E BLUE’
Is a rather slow rock tune, more jazzy than rock.
Another bright and very colorful video.

[special clip]
A synth pop, tecno-ish tune. The video features the group dancing in a stark room; and as someone commented, how they (the viewer) had misplaced their 3-D glasses, — is a pretty good song regardless.
(increase the brightness and it looks okay, — of course)

Fairly heavy guitar rock tune, with some milder sections.
(This video is a reminder of how sometimes it is all too easy to forget how celebrities are real people too.)

And some newer videos:

‘Justice’ another power rock ballad
— amazingly powerful

(which apparently means; outfit of the day)
Is a somewhat electronic, hip-hop, rock style song. We do like the sound and look, but (... it is interesting how one line can mess up an entire song —— anyway).

[showcase version]
The one we watched is a live performance showcase video. We would describe it as a hypnotic ambient (slightly hip-hop ?) mix, showing more of the groups obvious versatility.
(Maybe it is just us, but we think this does get a little spooky near the ending. We have read other people complaining about the abrubt ending of this song. — It works for us.)

‘2 Rings'
[showcase version]
Another live performance showcase video. A hip-hopy tune; think K-pop meets Destiny’s Child (sort of πŸ€”, but maybe a bit ballsier 😁). This one features only six of the group (Siyeon is missing).

[Did you notice any other songs using the same melody that was playing on the music box on ‘Chase Me’ and ‘Good Night'?]

We know many fans have their favorite singer amongst the various groups, and probably with this group as well, but we do not (at least not with this group), — simply because we like them all. The arrangements of the different singers throughout the songs absolutely blows our minds.

And the voices! This group has everything from sweet, operatic to edgy, to searing power rock lead and nearly everything in between, all blending flawlessly. --- We know it is a love or hate thing with many, but (IOO) there is just enough vocal fry, in the right places.

— We know very little about dancing or choreography, actually nothing (other than watching), but we think this group (as a whole) is maybe a little bit beyond the other groups we have watched so far. πŸ˜‰

You can find all of their official videos, as well as various live performances, by searching YouTube.

Or, here is a YouTube playlist of the music videos reviewed in this post, plus a few more we have not yet watched\reviewed: 

Their official YouTube channel is:
@Dreamcatcherofficial and if you like them remember to subscribe to the channel.

For something a bit different, check out the #shorts, covers and special clips (do not overlook the solos) on their YouTube channel. πŸ™‚

There does seem to be a bit of symbolism in some of the videos. Some elements of various scenes in various videos could be broken down into all sorts of various speculation (which we think is intended); but we will not, at least not yet. We have some ideas (albeit far fetched, and probably erroneous), but we suspect others have their own.
(do feel free to share your ideas and opinions here)

last update: January 21, 2025
(we have no idea how many times updated)

author's note: We have a bad habit of posting articles, then editing and reediting them. πŸ˜”
--- and this is our first attempt at writing a music review --- we plan to expand some descriptions
… and of course opinions are subjective

It is not that we dislike any of the other groups. For some reason we just decided this was an easier group to write about.

We pondered that watching the videos may have been skewing our opinions (we are male 😁). So, we listened on our old Sony Professional headphones without watching the videos. —— Then on a road trip, — We still like it! πŸ‘

We thought about putting a Korean version of this post, but after trying to translate it (as an entire document) in Google Translate we changed our mind. (we did not want to look like total idiots — yeah, it really was that bad πŸ˜•πŸ˜…)
( — our bad grammar may not translate so well πŸ™„)

——— and do not even get us started about the numbers on YouTube

You may have noticed that we said nothing in detail about how any of the individual members look, or whether they have or have not had any cosmetic surgery?
Do not know, do not care, do not want to know. Their looks has nothing to do with us liking the songs. ( — but, not that it matters, we think they all look fine)


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