Pondering ...

Over the many years we have been on the internet (about twenty five), we have wondered why we seldom (usually never) get any comments or feedback to anything we do on the web (lots of comments when we use to post on Usenet).

We have came up with some possible hypothesis:
1) none of our stuff is interesting enough for anyone to make a comment
2) people feel their privacy will be compromised and may risk getting spam, etc. by making comments
3) people are to busy, and in too much of a hurry, to make a comment
4) people feel their comments are not important enough, or would be wasting our time
5) possibly that is just the way the web is
--- or perhaps there is no one out there?

We really do not know for sure. However, 1) Your privacy is safe, we really do not care who you are ;). 2) We seriously doubt anyone wasting their time looking at our stuff is too busy. 3) Your comments (or criticism) is just as important as anyone else's, and we have gobs of free time to kill. 4) If our stuff is really not interesting enough, please tell us so we will either try to find stuff that is, or else we will stop wasting our (and everyone else's) time. 5) It does seem that other people get feedback (or perhaps are creating their own).

Your comments are always welcome. Anyone can post comnents to this blog, even anonymously if you wish.


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