Reality is not always what you think it is.

While pondering my youth and reminiscing; I remembered an amusing incident.

While browsing a store I noticed a lanky cleancut fellow watching from the end of the aisle. Thinking little of it I continued my browsing, looking for whatever it was I was looking for. Moving around to the next aisle, I noticed he had moved to the end of that asile and was still observing me.

Okay, I was a typical early 80s, twenty something guy; long hair, faded jeans and t-shirt, and no saint by any stretch of the imagination, but shoplifting was never my thing.

Admittedly it was slightly annoying, realizing that this floorwalker, trying not to be obvious (and failing miserably) was watching me. Then I decided, okay let's have some fun. I walked around the far end of the aisle and quickly doubled back to the next aisle over, waited and watched. Shortly this guy appeared at the opposite end, obviously trying to keep track of my location. I smiled to myself and chuckled.

Suddenly this nice little old lady, carrying a huge purse approached and smiling, politely asked me if I knew where the toasters were. I told her and she went on here merry way.

Meanwhile, this genius was still watching me.

Later I amusedly pondered, if while watching me, if that little lady, with that big purse, had found the toasters. 😁


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