Apps and the app store.

Not really needing one (mostly just looking for a new cellualr phone provider), but since my new provider offered bundled Internet with cellular service, I bought a smart phone (did at least buy my own, from a local retailer).

After several weeks, ignoring it, thinking "store" meant stuff to buy (which there is a few things that are), I decided to browse the app store. To my surprise, much of the stuff is actually free. (Who knew? --- obviously not me) :)

Well, I was like a kid in a candy store, with so much to choose from, but no clue as to what was actually good. --- I noticed many apps had overall good ratings (actually all about the same), but it seemed that many of the most recent reviews were negative (?). So, I just grabbed a few things that looked interesting.

And since I had initially allowed Google to download a few of theirs, of which some I like (especially the Docs and the Drive apps), I grabbed a couple more of theirs.

So, here is my basic initial opinion of the ones I grabbed:

Blogger - okay, now I do not need to go to their site and log in to post new stuff to my blog; but have not figured how to add an image using it (the button does not seem to function), but I have only been playing with it a few days.
Update: this was due to an erroneous permission setting, preventing the app from accessing the files

Facebook Messenger Lite - okay, it works, but am a bit puzzled; Why do I need it when I go to their website (shouldn't that functionality be built in to the site).
Update: this is now obsolete and replaced by Facebook Messenger, which seems okay

Google Tasks - OH! Now this I can use. I am always making endless list of things to do. As long as I can avoid putting stars on all the less important tasks. Has a reminder alarm.

Google Keep Notes - makes notes and also makes lists and has a reminder alarm, but I think I will be using Tasks much more.
Update: actually both apps are equally useful

Markor - a text and HTML editor
Thought it funny that there was no text editor on my phone (maybe I'm just old-school), but this one seems to do the trick.

Proton Mail and VPN - recently aquired an e-mail account from these folks, so seeing the apps, I grabbed both; much easier to use the mail account without going to the site --- and the VPN, although not really needing it, is cool, in a 007 Golden Eye sort of way.

--- and okay, I admit, being old-school, I still want to call them executables

Update --- and here are a few more that I found quite interesting:

Snapseed - wanted a way to resize/crop the huge camera images taken with my phone. Has quite a few editing features to alter images.

Daff Moon - very cool app that tracks Moon phase, sunrise and sunset, as well as the planets, lunar and solar eclipses and more.

Block Puzzle - looked interesting and was fairly small, about 9MB and is a good time waster.

Vampire's Fall : Origin (RPG)- looked interesting, with reasonably good reviews, so decided to install it; game play is similar to Fate Undiscovered Realms, weaponry is similar; except most game play is above ground, and it lacks the top down melee (battles are turn-based, one on one). Gives better choices of powerful items later in game than Fate. Play as a vampire (male or female). Has a real, offline, single player mode, can even play with the phone in airplane mode. There are features that need connection, but are not necessary to play the game. --- This game can waste a lot of your time, if you get too involved.


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