Another blog

Just an idea to set up this blog to post general offline, behind the scenes babble related to my website (and maybe some things of my life in general). Nothing all that specific, or overly interesting. More or less on a whim, since I already have the Blogger account, and now the cool Blogger app for easier posting.

Haven't done much with the main amateur radio related blog for years (admittedly not been online for about six) So this may occasionally set abandoned as well, but then again, sometimes I do get an idea to babble or rant about something.

Well, after reading how the nice folks at Google apperantly allows up to 100 blogs per account, I decided what the heck. I was only using one.

And since my previous general blog account is no longer accessable, other than via posting by email, which doesn't give me any ability to correct mistakes in the post (and there are usually several). And that could be a big mess.

Be warned, this blog will contain more babble than anything else, but if you have as much time to waste reading it, as I seem to have for writing it, then you may be occasionally entertained — but probably not.


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