(Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan fiction influenced by and based on characters from the television series, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' which is copyright by Twentieth Century Fox Films Corp.; and the 'Leprechaun' films which are copyright by Trimark Pictures Inc..) [this occurs after the episode where Giles suggested that leprechauns do not exit] --- As Buffy strolled through the cemetery on her routine patrol, she spotted something shiny in the grass ahead of her. Reaching its location, she bent down and picked it up. Glancing at what was obviously a very old coin, she scanned the surroundings. Seeing no one, she shrugged and placed the coin in her pocket and continued her nightly duty. The next day, she showed Giles her discovery. Looking at it he replied, "Well, it's obviously quite old." Buffy rolling her eyes, remarked, "I figured that out. So, what is it?" Hesitating he started to reply, that it was a coin, then stopped mid sentence and admitte...
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