Just more random thoughts, this time about Christianity and the Judeo-Christian God (BTW, what we believe to be the only god). First off, we will answer the common question, “Does prayer work?” Yes. (that was easy) Q: But how does one pray? A: ( this is what we think ) 1) Be polite, do not demand or insist; remember who you are making a request to, if something is God's will he will do it, if not you probably are wasting your time —— However, do not assume either to be the case, one can not always be certain either way, and it is possible (at least we think) that God may give certain things a second thought, if a person or enough people are requesting it (maybe?). 2) Do not be selfish, what we mean is that it is okay to pray for yourself and things you need, but do not limit prayer to just things about you or your immediate circle of friends and family. Pray for others; people you know, do not know, people you see in public, people on TV, in the news, YouTube, singers, actors, … e...