

Just more random thoughts, this time about Christianity and the Judeo-Christian God (BTW, what we believe to be the only god). First off, we will answer the common question,  “Does prayer work?” Yes. (that was easy) Q: But how does one pray? A: ( this is what we think ) 1) Be polite, do not demand or insist; remember who you are making a request to, if something is God's will he will do it, if not you probably are wasting your time —— However, do not assume either to be the case, one can not always be certain either way, and it is possible (at least we think) that God may give certain things a second thought, if a person or enough people are requesting it (maybe?). 2) Do not be selfish, what we mean is that it is okay to pray for yourself and things you need, but do not limit prayer to just things about you or your immediate circle of friends and family. Pray for others; people you know, do not know, people you see in public, people on TV, in the news, YouTube, singers, actors, … e...

Random Ponderings

We are not fortunetellers, prophets, soothsayers or wizards. These are not intended to be predictions or prophecies. --- We have no idea, if or when these would ever actually occur. 1) A dispute over heirship of the British crown may occur on the next ascendance. 2) The full extent of the corruption and bias in some social media algorithms may eventually be exposed. ( — oh, that's right, there is none 😒) [ — only takes a whistleblower, or disgruntled employee ] 3) A current K-pop girl group may go dark, very dark (no we are not talking about like some other current groups ( that we are aware of ) --- or K-rock); one that many may not expect. ( Actually there are some hints, if you are paying attention, —— but with K-pop that can be a shot in the dark. We think we know which group it is, but they will reveal their new incarnation when/if they are ready. ) [ — not hard to figure; there is a niche market that is seemingly unexploited by any current K-pop company ] — or maybe not, ...

Dreamcatcher - our opinion

Our opinion and basic descriptions of some of Dreamcatcher's videos. For those not familiar with their music. We are not experts on the group (or any other music), and have not watched or listened to everything this group has done. In fact, only discovering their music a few days ago. (and K-pop only a few weeks ago — yes, we basically live in a cave 😉) ___ Summary : Well …. Regardless of which video you watch first, your initial impression will probably be wrong. (if you do not like the first song, try another --- seriously, this group does many different things) Rather than make you scroll down though our lame attempt to write reviews of the group and various music videos, we decided to put the link to the YouTube playlist here, which may give some idea of the groups talent and versatility. (you are welcome to read the rest of this post, but the videos speak for themselves) ___ Listening to t...

K-Pop — our opinion

Okay, we are over the drama. We have decided that since we like some of the music, we are just going to do that, and start making a few random comments about the genre in general. ___ Q: As a Christian, should one listen to K-pop? A: For our opinion, there is not a lot of any modern lyrical music that could be considered Christian safe . Whatever that means? That includes a lot of the so-called contemporary Christian stuff. We do not think listening to any particular music will turn you into something that you are not (nor do not want to be). We try to live as a Christian, but we generally listen to whatever we want, in many genres, but there are songs that we do not listen to. There are songs that we use to listen to all the time, now we do not. Use to be a big fan of heavy metal (still like the genre), we will occasionally listen to some of the songs, when heard on the radio, but there are some songs we absolutely will not. As for K-pop, we like Dreamcatcher, but there are a couple ...

Industry Plants

How might one spot an artist who is an industry plant ? Well, here may be a few things that seem suspicious? This is by no means definitive, or scientifically accurate, just our opinion; and opinions about music, like any other artform is subjective. None of these being a positive indicator, but…. We are not suggesting who is or is not, simply based on these. [but like many things, the more boxes being checked….] 🔲 Nepo Baby --  Rich kid / rich parents, close friends or relatives inside (or accociated with) the record / entertainment industry 🔲 Instant success 🔲 Going viral with first song posted to social media 🔲 Awards, awards, ... 🔲 Excessive number of followers / subscribers within a short period (even before actually being famous or popular) 🔲 Excessive amounts of airplay on commercial broadcast radio (AM / FM) — Do you hear their songs multiple times throughout the day, everyday, week after week, … after month, … years (?!)  Now for a bit of reality check: It takes...

a normal society ?

All to often Christianity is associated with the facade of a normal society, that often frowns on what it considers to be abnormal. However, in my opinion, Christianity is not typical in a modern society, nor has it been in any of the previously so-called normal societies. Some will say that, in the U.S. a majority of people identify as Christian (that's identify), but one can identify as anything. That doesn't necessarily make it so. And fewer people seem to be identifying as Christians, even in the U.S. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your perspective), I don't think the percentage of actual Christians in any general society is anywhere near the numbers often suggested. Usually, when anything is considered normal, that is what the masses tend to identify with. For years, in many countries (including the U.S.) Christianity was associated with a normal society. So, the masses, wishing to fit in identified as such. So, don't mistakenly identify Christians w...

added a music F.A.Q

added some music Q&A stuff as a page (in the drop down left sidebar menu), the editing is a bit rough, but it's somewhat readable (maybe😯)