K-Pop — our opinion

First off, we definitely do not like the supposed negative aspects associated with the industry, but that unfortunately is the world we live in.

One likes to think that when you see a person smiling on a music video that they are doing it because they feel like it, not because they have been trained to do so. — Are the dark elements there because of the singers or just the producer thinking that it is what viewer want to see? --- but ….. anyway.

That said. I do like some of the videos found on YouTube, although not what I imagined they might be.

Do not particularly like the makeup style which tends to make the members look like clones, albeit with different clothes and hair (which amusingly changes as often as the scenes). It does seem as though not all the groups are doing that, or at least some are hopefully now getting away from it.

To clarify, my taste leans towards the female groups, simply because I like listening to the female voice (and think women are generally better singers — IMO).

Not sure why some groups/singers (producers?) feel the need to include a few words or phrases in English. The bulk of the song is still lost. — I have no problem listening to a song entirely in a foreign language, even when not understanding a single word. Watching the captioned translations seems to make it even less clear. Apparently there is a loss in translation? Maybe they are trying to imitate the western style of lyrics, which often times makes no sense in English — and who wants to read the captions anyway (well, some might).

Personally, it is more about the feel, the beat, groove, … and of course the visual elements, which in some cases are quite extrodinary. Although somewhat dizzying at times.

We realized one of the fun parts of watching K-pop videos, is trying to determine who's who (admittedly some groups are easier than others).

We don't understand the reasoning for the aliases, seeing nothing wrong with the real names (so what if they don't sound western?).

It is interesting to see how the west has influenced the east. Although not sure if we should take credit, or blame for that.

Is it possible that some of the producers have a somewhat skewed understanding of western culture? Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

It is amusing to see how watching a few of the videos completely destroys any old erroneous stereotypes.

Although, one has to admit, the whole thing seems somewhat questionable.

Update 10/04/2024:
After watched more videos and reading a bit more about the industry (which we did not like to begin with):

(to be fair, in general, we do not like the recording industry — but behavior of fans is not necessarily the fault of the corporations)

At first, watching some behind the scenes videos, thinking there was perhaps something mentally wrong with some of the singers; being locked away in dormatories in their teenage years and nearly worked to death certainly could contribute to that.

However, perhaps the real mental problems are with some of the fans who idolize the singers, becoming irate when a singer does not maintain their expected image and behavior. In other words; tries to have a real life. (btw: being called idols by the corporations does not help)

So the singer has a love interest and many of the fans feel betrayed and go ballistic, jealously complaining on social media and even converging on the corporate headquarters of the entertainment company, —- okay, tell me that is not an indication of a mental disorder. (???)

We like some of the music and videos, and many of the group members are very talented, but IMHO there is something seriously wrong there.

(still have a few favorite K-pop videos on my YouTube playlist, thinking that perhaps others may also like them, but am thinking about changing that)


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